Anexo 1 - Fluxogramas de processos
Anexo 2 - Freqüência de ocorrências de ventos
Anexo 3 - Ficha de Segurança dos Produtos - MSDS
Anexo 4 - Análise Preliminar de Perigos - APP
Anexo 5 - Out-Put - Programa Safeti - Efeito Dominó
Anexo 6 - Output Programa SAFETI/PHAST
Anexo 7 - Curvas de Iso-risco e de Vulnerabilidade e a Região de Entorno do Empreendimento






             Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciad


     EI 001 H2 Cilindro

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                              HYDROGEN

                        Type of Vessel                                           Pressurized Gas

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure specified

                        Discharge Pressure (gauge)                                          168  bar

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                    1  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Vapor


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                          No bund present

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                      1  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                              HYDROGEN

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                  169.01 bar

             Inventory                                                                    1.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -209.02 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,986.77 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -209.02 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,986.77 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -209.02 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,986.77 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -209.02 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,986.77 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               6.10683     7.9687      6.28505

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   6.4546        7.9687       6.54908

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               6.4546       7.9687      6.54908


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               14.6397     7.45189    4.38876

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   12.8629      7.45189     3.96945

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               12.8629     7.45189    3.96945


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         7.95282

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   7.95282

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         7.95282


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         3.71267

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   3.71267

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         3.71267



                                                        Fireball Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Fireball Flame Status                                  Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Fireball Flame Status                                  Hazard



                                           Radiation Effects: Fireball Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           22.818        22.818       22.818

             Radiation Level  18                kW/m2           12.1358      12.1358     12.1358

             Radiation Level  52                kW/m2           6.96472      6.96472     6.96472


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           22.818

             Radiation Level  18                kW/m2           12.1358

             Radiation Level  52                kW/m2           6.96472



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               6.4546        7.9687       6.54908

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               6.4546        7.9687       6.54908


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               12.8629      7.45189     3.96945

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               12.8629      7.45189     3.96945


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               7.95282

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               7.95282


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               3.71267

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               3.71267



                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion

                                    Early Explosions are assumed to be centered at the release location

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 1               1              1


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 1


                                                                           Distance (m) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Used Mass (kg) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                1               1              1

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                1               1              1

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                1               1              1


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                1

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                1

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                1



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 02 H2 Tubulão

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                              HYDROGEN

                        Type of Vessel                                           Pressurized Gas

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure specified

                        Discharge Pressure (gauge)                                          165  bar

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                   30  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Vapor


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                          No bund present

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                    30  kg

           Multi Energy Explosion

                        Use Unconfined Volumes                                                No

                        Use Fractions                                                              No

                        Use 1st Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 2nd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 3rd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 4th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 5th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 6th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 7th Confined Source                                               No

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                              HYDROGEN

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                  166.01 bar

             Inventory                                                                  30.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -208.67 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,984.83 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -208.67 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,984.83 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -208.67 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,984.83 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -208.67 degC

                Final Velocity                                                       1,984.83 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               22.9634     33.066      24.3565

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   22.9634      33.066       24.6871

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               22.9634     33.066      24.6871


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               58.474       33.5958    19.6983

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   58.474        33.5958     17.5817

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               58.474       33.5958    17.5817


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         29.6369

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   29.6369

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         29.6369


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         15.4397

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   15.4397

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         15.4397



                                                        Fireball Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Fireball Flame Status                                  Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Fireball Flame Status                                  Hazard



                                           Radiation Effects: Fireball Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           67.0928      67.0928     67.0928

             Radiation Level  18                kW/m2           35.8872      35.8872     35.8872

             Radiation Level  52                kW/m2           20.6227      20.6227     20.6227


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           67.0928

             Radiation Level  18                kW/m2           35.8872

             Radiation Level  52                kW/m2           20.6227



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               22.9634      33.066       24.6871

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               22.9634      33.066       24.6871


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               58.474        33.5958     17.5817

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               58.474        33.5958     17.5817


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               29.6369

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               29.6369


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               15.4397

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               15.4397



                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion

                                    Early Explosions are assumed to be centered at the release location

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 30             30             30


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 30


                                                                           Distance (m) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Used Mass (kg) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                30             30             30

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                30             30             30

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                30             30             30


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                30

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                30

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                30



                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT

                                    Explosion Location Criterion: Cloud Front (LFL Fraction)

                                    All distances are measured from the Source

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Maximum Distance (m) at Overpressure Level

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.0686465 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 03 H2 Tubulão

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                              HYDROGEN

                        Type of Vessel                                           Pressurized Gas

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure specified

                        Discharge Pressure (gauge)                                          165  bar

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                   30  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Vapor

                        Supply Pump Head                                                       No

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                           12.7  mm


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                          No bund present

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Outdoor Release Direction                                    Horizontal


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                    30  kg

           Multi Energy Explosion

                        Use Unconfined Volumes                                                No

                        Use Fractions                                                              No

                        Use 1st Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 2nd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 3rd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 4th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 5th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 6th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 7th Confined Source                                               No

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                              HYDROGEN

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                  166.01 bar

             Inventory                                                                  30.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -177.66 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         500.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.52985E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                 84.99 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  500.00 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                      17.67 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                               -48.08 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.86

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -177.66 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         500.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.52985E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                 84.99 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  500.00 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                      17.67 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                               -48.08 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.86

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -177.66 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         500.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.52985E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                 84.99 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  500.00 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                      17.67 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                               -48.08 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.86

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                  -177.66 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         500.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.52985E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                 84.99 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  500.00 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                      17.67 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                               -48.08 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.86

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               0.446739    0.441867   0.437097

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   19.5377      16.8262     16.0548

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               19.5377     16.8262    16.0548


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s               1.00004     1.00004    1.00004

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   4.81144      3.63063     3.07313

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s               4.81144     3.63063    3.07313


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         0.432428

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   15.6039

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         15.6039


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (750000)                 18.75             s         1.00004

             LFL       (40000) 18.75           s                   2.63171

             LFL Frac  (40000)                 18.75             s         2.63171



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           25.2852      22.8975     21.313

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           22.4206      20.0692     18.4925

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           19.8697      17.5503     16.0706


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           20.2609

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           17.4382

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           15.0475



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               19.5377      16.8262     16.0548

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               19.5377      16.8262     16.0548


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               4.81144      3.63063     3.07313

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               4.81144      3.63063     3.07313


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               15.6039

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               15.6039


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               2.63171

             Furthest Extent 40000           ppm               2.63171



                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT

                                    Explosion Location Criterion: Cloud Front (LFL Fraction)

                                    All distances are measured from the Source

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Maximum Distance (m) at Overpressure Level

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.0686465 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 04-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                           8.075E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Supply Pump Head                                                       No

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                                2  mm


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging    User defined averaging time supplied

                        User-Defined Average Time                                        18.75  s


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                             8.075E4  kg

           Multi Energy Explosion

                        Use Unconfined Volumes                                                No

                        Use Fractions                                                              No

                        Use 1st Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 2nd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 3rd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 4th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 5th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 6th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 7th Confined Source                                               No

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             80,750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.22 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.14228E-004 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     0.22 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.00 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.22 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.14228E-004 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     0.22 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.00 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.22 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.14228E-004 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     0.22 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.00 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.22 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.14228E-004 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     0.22 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.00 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    Although the average concentration in the building is below

                                    the lower flammable limit, local concentrations could exceed

                                    this value. A fire or explosion in the building is possible.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 05-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                           8.075E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                      2.952E5  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             1.2  m

                        Vent Type                                                        Roof Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                             8.075E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             80,750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   1.01057      1.01057     1.01057

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               1.01057     1.01057    1.01057


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         1.01057

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   1.01057

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         1.01057



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    Although the average concentration in the building is below

                                    the lower flammable limit, local concentrations could exceed

                                    this value. A fire or explosion in the building is possible.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               1.01057     1.01057    1.01057


     EI 06-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                           8.075E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                      2.952E5  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             1.8  m

                        Vent Type                                                        Roof Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                             8.075E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             80,750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859    0.515859    0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.515859



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    Although the average concentration in the building is below

                                    the lower flammable limit, local concentrations could exceed

                                    this value. A fire or explosion in the building is possible.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 07-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                           8.075E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                      2.952E5  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             1.8  m

                        Vent Type                                                        Roof Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                             8.075E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             80,750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859    0.515859    0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.515859



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    Although the average concentration in the building is below

                                    the lower flammable limit, local concentrations could exceed

                                    this value. A fire or explosion in the building is possible.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 08-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                           8.075E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                      2.952E5  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             1.8  m

                        Vent Type                                                        Roof Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                             8.075E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             80,750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.57 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         9.22264E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.57 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.515859



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          No Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    Although the average concentration in the building is below

                                    the lower flammable limit, local concentrations could exceed

                                    this value. A fire or explosion in the building is possible.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.515859    0.515859    0.515859

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.515859    0.515859   0.515859


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0


                                                                           Weather 4


     EI 09-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                 750  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              50  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                      2.952E5  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             1.8  m

                        Vent Type                                                        Roof Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                   750  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                                 750.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            3.91 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.59657E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                134.01 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     3.91 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            3.91 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.59657E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                134.01 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     3.91 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            3.91 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.59657E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                134.01 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     3.91 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            3.91 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.59657E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                134.01 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     3.91 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.0504807   0.069571    0.0615835

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.0504807  0.069571   0.0615835


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.515758    0.515758   0.515758

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   5.17968      4.23813     3.5543

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               5.17968     4.23813    3.5543


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.0733032

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.0733032


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.515758

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   3.18463

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         3.18463



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           120.138      108.764     101.109

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           104.026      93.1736     86.4847

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           95.9037

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           81.9304

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.0504807   0.069571    0.0615835

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.0504807   0.069571    0.0615835


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               5.17968      4.23813     3.5543

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               5.17968      4.23813     3.5543


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.0733032

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.0733032


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               3.18463

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               3.18463



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    The average concentration in the building is above the lower

                                    flammable limit. A fire or explosion in the building is likely.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 10-OD - UBP

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                3000  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m


                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        Elevation                                                                   0.5  m

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging    User defined averaging time supplied

                        User-Defined Average Time                                        18.75  s


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                48  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                              4  m

                        Building Length                                                           8.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             5.5  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 3000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              3,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                        Fireball Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard



                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion

                                    Early Explosions are assumed to be centered at the release location

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 3000          3000          3000


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 3000


                                                                           Distance (m) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Used Mass (kg) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 11-OD - ULB

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5950  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                14  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5950  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,950.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 5950


                                                                           Distance (m) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Used Mass (kg) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                                        Fireball Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard



                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion

                                    Early Explosions are assumed to be centered at the release location

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 5950          5950          5950


     EI 12-OD - ULB

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5950  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              20  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                14  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                          1908  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             0.5  m

                        Vent Type                                                         Wall Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5950  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,950.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               1.42136     0.994962   0.813564

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   10.0904      7.37776     6.07967

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               10.0904     7.37776    6.07967


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.227867    0.661463   0.796979

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.674846

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   4.86059

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         4.86059


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.876171

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           45.948        42.2493     39.0138

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        34.0169

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           36.6869

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           32.3781

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               10.0904      7.37776     6.07967

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               10.0904      7.37776     6.07967


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0               0              0

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0               0              0


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               4.86059

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               4.86059


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0



                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT

                                    Explosion Location Criterion: Cloud Front (LFL Fraction)

                                    All distances are measured from the Source

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Maximum Distance (m) at Overpressure Level

                                                                           Weather 1

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.0686465 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    The average concentration in the building is above the lower

                                    flammable limit. A fire or explosion in the building is likely.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 13-OD - ULB

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5950  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  10  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              20  mm

                        Line length                                                                  30  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                14  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Vent Flowrate                                                          1908  m3/hr

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Forced Ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped

                        Building Exhaust Diameter                                             0.5  m

                        Vent Type                                                         Wall Vent


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5950  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,950.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            2.23 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.49 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         5.11027E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             9,900.00 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     2.23 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m


                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.227867    0.661463   0.796979

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0               0              0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0              0    0


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.674846

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   4.86059

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         4.86059


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.876171

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           45.948        42.2493     39.0138

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        34.0169

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           36.6869

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           32.3781

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               10.0904      7.37776     6.07967

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               10.0904      7.37776     6.07967


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0               0              0

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0               0              0


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               4.86059

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               4.86059



                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               1.42136     0.994962   0.813564

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   10.0904      7.37776     6.07967

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               10.0904     7.37776    6.07967



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0



                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT

                                    Explosion Location Criterion: Cloud Front (LFL Fraction)

                                    All distances are measured from the Source

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Maximum Distance (m) at Overpressure Level

                                                                           Weather 1

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.0686465 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                In-Building Release Notes


                                    ** Warning **


                                    The average concentration in the building is above the lower

                                    flammable limit. A fire or explosion in the building is likely.


                                    The plume does not clear the building wake.

                                    All results could be affected by the wake.



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7


     EI 14-OD - Ar livre

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                8500  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                100  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              80  mm


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                54  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Outdoor Release Direction                                    Horizontal


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 8500  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              8,500.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.20 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           22.29 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.22 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.17428E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                103.98 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   22.29 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.20 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.20 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           22.29 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.22 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.17428E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                103.98 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   22.29 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.20 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.20 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           22.29 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.22 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.17428E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                103.98 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   22.29 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.20 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.20 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           22.29 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.22 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.17428E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                103.98 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   22.29 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.20 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.999059    0.997213    0.996866

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1556.25      1210.98     1006.42

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0904299   0.0988678  0.103961

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   2568.55      2894.57     2424.56

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.109608    0.124308    0.129682

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1124.15      5794.45     6469.02

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.125505    0.171692    0.169133

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   4651.05

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.171873


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  19.2959      19.2696     19.2627

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.996445

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   870.195

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.107229

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   2091.83

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.133982

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   628.925

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.148531

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   6309.05

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.168231


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  19.256


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               9.82109     10.2733    10.0688

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   9.89683      10.3629     10.1639

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               9.89683     10.3629    10.1639


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.265236    0.282861   0.301945

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.262555    0.279198    0.297682

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.262555    0.279198   0.297682


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         11.1876

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   11.3983

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         11.3983


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.241495

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.228855

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.228855



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           30.2886      44.0645     43.0747

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                36.6568    36.1887

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           43.1635

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           36.7166

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                   Early Pool Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Early Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Early Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard



                                      Radiation Effects: Early Pool Fire Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           50.2314      57.1021     61.2114

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           30.2014      31.1413     31.7197

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           65.5696

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           33.1088

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2



                                                   Late Pool Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Late Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Late Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard



                                       Radiation Effects: Late Pool Fire Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           50.2314      57.1021     61.2114

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           30.2014      31.1413     31.7197

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           65.5696

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           33.1088

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               9.89683      10.3629     10.1639

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               9.89683      10.3629     10.1639


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.262555    0.279198    0.297682

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.262555    0.279198    0.297682


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               11.3983

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               11.3983


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.228855

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.228855



                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT

                                    Explosion Location Criterion: Cloud Front (LFL Fraction)

                                    All distances are measured from the Source

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Maximum Distance (m) at Overpressure Level

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.0686465 bar

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 15-OD - Ar livre

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                             2.55E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                100  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              80  mm

                        Line length                                                                  20  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                54  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Outdoor Release Direction                                    Horizontal


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                               2.55E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             25,500.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.24 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           17.79 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.33 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         6.52522E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                390.79 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   17.79 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.24 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.24 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           17.79 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.33 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         6.52522E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                390.79 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   17.79 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.24 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.24 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           17.79 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.33 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         6.52522E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                390.79 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   17.79 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.24 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.24 degC

                Final Velocity                                                           17.79 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.33 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         6.52522E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                390.79 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                   17.79 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.24 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.04 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   5868.01

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.495021


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  33.4062      33.3819     33.3676

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.997194

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1120.32

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.272266

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   786.93

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.387892

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   7992.75

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.488654


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  33.3563


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               7.45692     8.43648    8.25713

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   7.49031      8.51532     8.36207

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               7.49031     8.51532    8.36207


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s               0.247848    0.222633   0.242285

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.245702    0.218994    0.236615

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s               0.245702    0.218994   0.236615


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         8.74612

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   8.83957

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         8.83957


                                                                           Weather 4

             UFL       (52866.8)                18.75             s         0.232863

             LFL       (7000)  18.75           s                   0.227345

             LFL Frac  (7000)                   18.75             s         0.227345



                                                        Jet Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard        Hazard       Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal


                                                                           Weather 4

             Jet Fire Status                                          Hazard

             Flame Direction                                         Horizontal



                                           Radiation Effects: Jet Fire Ellipse

                                    This table gives the distances to the specified radiation levels

                                    for each jet fire listed in the above hazard table

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           33.1208      35.5053     35.5535

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        29.5543

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           35.6123

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           30.2666

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                   Early Pool Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Early Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Early Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard



                                      Radiation Effects: Early Pool Fire Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           46.932        54.2695     58.3435

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           27.1314      28.6637     29.3141

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           61.8536

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           30.1536

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2



                                                   Late Pool Fire Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Late Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard        Hazard       Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Late Pool Fire Status                                 Hazard



                                       Radiation Effects: Late Pool Fire Ellipse

                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           69.1658      78.6894     84.8987

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           41.8974      42.9006     43.1151

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached                Not Reached        Not Reached


                                                                           Weather 4

             Radiation Level  5                 kW/m2           90.0435

             Radiation Level  12.5             kW/m2           43.6567

             Radiation Level  37.5             kW/m2           Not Reached



                                                    Flash Fire Envelope

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                                           Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               7.49031      8.51532     8.36207

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               7.49031      8.51532     8.36207


                                                                                           Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.245702    0.218994    0.236615

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.245702    0.218994    0.236615


                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               8.83957

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               8.83957


                                                                           Weather 4

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.227345

             Furthest Extent 7000            ppm               0.227345



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.998581    0.997908    0.997524

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1751.16      1505.18     1276.02

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.237398    0.26205     0.269372

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1276.33      1087.92     913.964

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.325915    0.362942    0.376856

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   1004.5        7306.9       7710.02

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.413352    0.495389    0.493032

                                    Cloud Segment 4



     EI 16-OD - Ar livre

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Material to Track                             ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                             2.55E4  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                             IDLH is not set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                                54  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                               2.55E4  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                            ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                             25,500.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                        Fireball Hazard

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Fireball Flame Status                                  No Hazard



                                          Explosion Effects: Early Explosion

                                    Early Explosions are assumed to be centered at the release location

                                    Explosion Model Used : TNT


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 25500         25500        25500


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 25500


                                                                           Distance (m) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                No Hazard

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                No Hazard


                                                                           Used Mass (kg) at Overpressure Levels

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0               0              0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Overpressure     0.0686465     bar                0

             Overpressure     0.127487       bar                0

             Overpressure     1.06869        bar                0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 17-Hidrazina 15%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Material to Track                                        HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                1000  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  15  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                                50  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             16.1  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 1000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              1,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            5.20 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         2.54526E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                392.89 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     5.20 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            5.20 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         2.54526E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                392.89 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     5.20 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            5.20 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         2.54526E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                392.89 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     5.20 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            5.20 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         2.54526E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                392.89 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     5.20 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.9961        0.994118    0.992324

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   202.351      154.381     145.203

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00383344 0.00409285 0.00431676

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9697.65      9745.62     9754.8

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00433423 0.00475031 0.00503423


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  2.2638        2.2638       2.2638

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.990425

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   169

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00461157

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9731

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00523406


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  2.2638


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   115.18        99.2863     92.6319


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1               1              1


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   89.3972


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   96.2532      83.7768     82.3989


                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   56.1935



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7


     EI 18-Hidrazina 15%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Material to Track                                        HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                4000  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Supply Pump Head                                                       No

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              50  mm


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                                50  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                                 ERPG is set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             16.1  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 4000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              4,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.84 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.60146E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             1,110.66 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.84 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.84 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.60146E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             1,110.66 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.84 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.84 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.60146E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             1,110.66 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.84 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.84 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.67 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         3.60146E+000 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             1,110.66 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.84 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.00 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.61

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   44.89         44.89         44.89

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00248373 0.00285403 0.00304093

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9855.11      9855.11     9855.11

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00455866 0.00513742 0.00543347


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  2.2638        2.2638       2.2638

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.994743

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   44.89

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00314202

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9855.11

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00560589


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  2.2638


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   95.1898      88.6261     86.0946

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   215.358      189.38       183.145

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   89.9421      83.3955     80.5125

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   72.8229      66.6813     65.18


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1               1              1

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   0               0              0

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   0               0              0

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   84.5163

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   180.554

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   78.8541

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   64.0174


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   0

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   0

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   0



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   166.884      127.306     110.364

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   248.395      179.436     186.557

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   110.225      87.6529     78.2919

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   86.3082      70.0026     62.0121


                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   100.69

             ERPG 1    (10)   3600            s                   150.324

             ERPG 2    (50)   3600            s                   72.6847

             ERPG 3    (80)   3600            s                   56.368



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.99882      0.997617    0.996223

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1



     EI 19-Hidrazina 15%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Material to Track                                        HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                4000  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  15  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              25  mm

                        Line length                                                                100  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                                50  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             16.1  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        [Bund Height                                                                 0  m]

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            2.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           6.7  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.2  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 4000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              4,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.64 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.03026E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             4,981.16 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.64 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.64 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.03026E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             4,981.16 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.64 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.64 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.03026E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             4,981.16 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.64 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.03 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            1.64 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.46 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         8.03026E-001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                             4,981.16 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                     1.64 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 25.03 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.01 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 3  Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.996454    0.989886    0.987699

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   82.3556      9900          9900

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00104524 0.0047704  0.00492661

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   34.2844

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00250673

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   26.1625

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00326271

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   22.32

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00386802

                                    Cloud Segment 5

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   19.8375

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0043934

                                    Cloud Segment 6

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   16.68

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00483648

                                    Cloud Segment 7

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9698.36

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00435024


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  2.2638        2.2638       2.2638


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   92.9501      71.7404     67.3013


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1               1              1



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   140.147      115.645     >50000



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 20-Hidrazina 15%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Material to Track                                        HIDRAZINE 15%

                        Type of Vessel          Unpressurized (at atmospheric pressure)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                2000  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                                50  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging    User defined averaging time supplied

                        User-Defined Average Time                                        18.75  s


                        Status of Bund                                          No bund present

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 2000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                       HIDRAZINE 15%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      1.01 bar

             Inventory                                                              2,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          1.00 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     25.00 degC

                Final Velocity                                                            0.00 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.72 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

                                    Release Segment 1

             Release Duration                   s                   0.001         0.001         0.001

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          1               1              1


             Release Segment 1        Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   53.29         60.4506     46.9225

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0575127   0.0644383  0.06696

             Total Vapor Flowrate             kg/s               0.0575127   0.0644383  0.06696

             Release Segment 1        Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   374.166      437.955     40.9681

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0654708   0.0708678  0.0765826

             Total Vapor Flowrate             kg/s               0.0654708   0.0708678  0.0765826

             Release Segment 1        Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9472.54      9401.59     9812.11

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0496046   0.0515413  0.054054

             Total Vapor Flowrate             kg/s               0.0496046   0.0515413  0.054054


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  7.99329      7.99316     7.99306


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   117.92        96.4316     85.0261


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   1               1              1



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 2   Weather 3  Weather 4

             User Conc (50)  1800            s                   206.956      190.344     134.013



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7


EI 21-Amônia 25%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Material to Track                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Type of Vessel         Saturated Liquid (Equilibrium vapor/liquid)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5000  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                  30  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              50  mm

                        Line length                                                                   2  m


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                              300  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging No user defined averaging time supplied


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             15.3  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            5.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           7.5  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.6  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5000  kg

           Multi Energy Explosion

                        Use Unconfined Volumes                                                No

                        Use Fractions                                                              No

                        Use 1st Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 2nd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 3rd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 4th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 5th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 6th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 7th Confined Source                                               No

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                           AMÔNIA 25%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      2.63 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.96 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         343.89 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.01 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.39239E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                359.09 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  343.89 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.96 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         343.89 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.01 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.39239E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                359.09 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  343.89 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.96 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         343.89 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.01 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.39239E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                359.09 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  343.89 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.96 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         343.89 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.01 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.39239E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                359.09 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  343.89 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.334544    0.0450398  0.00816586

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   132.25        134.56       129.391

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.119691    0.0229911  0.00738501

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   52.0306      51.0806     49.5

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.301966    0.0611903  0.0191284


                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   40.7194      40.11         39.41

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.385847    0.0784391  0.0241204

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   35.0156      34.265       34.5094

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.449535    0.0914975  0.0279434

                                    Cloud Segment 5

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   60.3944      58.6069     59.5956

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.524308    0.106712    0.0324494

                                    Cloud Segment 6

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   75.5924      71.4324     51.4424

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.616988    0.12693     0.0374081

                                    Cloud Segment 7

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9504          9509.95     20.3044

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.112406    0.0164979  0.041645

                                    Cloud Segment 8

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                                                   8631.34

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s                                               0.00346986


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  7.41926      2.67401     1.09074

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.000509611

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   105.576

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00147031

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   46.33

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00334197

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   37.845

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00409438

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   64.6519

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0048573

                                    Cloud Segment 5

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   221.762

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00574466


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  0.204618


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   813.222      760.84       714.899

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               14.0409     12.5044    11.3069

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               37.4951     29.7366    24.9821

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               37.4951     29.7366    24.9821


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1               1              1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               0.694258    0.770577   0.81979

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               0              0    0


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   637.566

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         10.3309

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         21.8548

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         21.8548


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         0.856891

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         0

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         0



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   417.752      415.086     410.232


                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   368.013




                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 22-Amônia 25%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Material to Track                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Type of Vessel         Saturated Liquid (Equilibrium vapor/liquid)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5000  kg


                        Type of Event                                                 Line rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid

                        Pump head                                                                100  m

                        Supply Pump Head                                                      Yes

                        Tank Head                                                                    1  m

                        Number of Excess Flow Valves                                          0

                        Number of Non-Return Valves                                           0

                        Number of Shut-Off Valves                                              0


                        Pipe Diameter                                                              50  mm


                        Release Type                                                   Continuous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                              300  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging    User defined averaging time supplied

                        User-Defined Average Time                                        18.75  s


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             15.3  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            5.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           7.5  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.6  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5000  kg

           Multi Energy Explosion

                        Use Unconfined Volumes                                                No

                        Use Fractions                                                              No

                        Use 1st Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 2nd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 3rd Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 4th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 5th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 6th Confined Source                                               No

                        Use 7th Confined Source                                               No

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                           AMÔNIA 25%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      2.63 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                           Line rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.97 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         376.70 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.75585E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                284.76 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  376.70 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.97 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         376.70 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.75585E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                284.76 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  376.70 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.97 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         376.70 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.75585E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                284.76 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  376.70 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.97 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         376.70 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.00 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                         1.75585E+001 kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                284.76 s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                  376.70 m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                        1.01 bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                 -2.69 degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                             0.60

                     Expanded Radius                                                   0.03 m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

                                    N.B.  Pool vaporization segments begin when the cloud has left the pool


                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.307222    0.041809    0.00197669

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   109.202      117.181     168.351

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.109543    0.0215749  0.0050059

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   42.7031      42.8419     71.8994


                                            Explosion Effects: Late Ignition

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 0.127487 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0


                                                                           Supplementary Data at 1.06869 bar

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0               0              0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard   No Hazard   No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0               0              0


                                                                           Weather 4

             Supplied Flammable Mass        kg                 No Hazard

             Used Flammable Mass            kg                 No Hazard

             Overpressure Radius              m                  0

             Distance to:

              - Ignition Source                  m                  No Hazard

              - Cloud Front/Centre            m                  No Hazard

              - Explosion Centre                m                  0



                                                    Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85


                                                Pool Vaporization Results

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.282041    0.0588045  0.0116918

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   33.0544      33.1875     58.1727

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.364151    0.075858    0.0146239

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   28.2           28.8          52.2

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.426716    0.0888977  0.0161027

                                    Cloud Segment 5

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   48.4706      48.5925     59.4369

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.500337    0.104174    0.01414

                                    Cloud Segment 6

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   58.7764      59.7252     70.6431

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.588637    0.124026    0.0119414

                                    Cloud Segment 7

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   9579.59      9569.67     89.31

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.10483      0.0155203  0.00938105

                                    Cloud Segment 8

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                                                   144.21

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s                                               0.00580293

                                    Cloud Segment 9

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                                                   378.077

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s                                               0.00210785

                                    Cloud Segment 10

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                                                   125.708

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s                                               0.00143897


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  7.1663        2.61106     0.521011

                                                                           Weather 4

             Liquid Rainout                       fraction          0.000624195

             Initial Vapor Cloud

             Time Pool Left Behind


                                    Cloud Segment 1

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   92.16

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00155076

                                    Cloud Segment 2

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   38.3706

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00373387

                                    Cloud Segment 3

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   30.7594

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.0046373

                                    Cloud Segment 4

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   27.0856

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00532192

                                    Cloud Segment 5

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   47.2469

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00608765

                                    Cloud Segment 6

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   41.6

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00689331

                                    Cloud Segment 7

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   16.897

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00761225

                                    Cloud Segment 8

             Cloud Segment Duration         s                   366.048

             Pool Vaporization Rate           kg/s               0.00448296


             Maximum Pool Radius             m                  0.263101


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   904.542      860.777     788.008

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               15.5862     14.024      12.8189

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               43.3648     34.1305    28.348

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               43.3648     34.1305    28.348


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1               1              1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               0.680755    0.759679   0.812259

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               0              0    0

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               0              0    0


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   715.822

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         11.8862

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         25.078

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         25.078


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         0.837874

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         0

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         0



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   413.515      428.557     414.612


                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   381.718



                                                                           Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7



     EI 23-Amônia 25%

       Base Case


                                                     User-Defined Data



                        Material Identifier                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Material to Track                                           AMÔNIA 25%

                        Type of Vessel         Saturated Liquid (Equilibrium vapor/liquid)

                        Pressure Specification                              Pressure not used

                        Discharge Temperature                                                 25  degC

                        Inventory of material to discharge                                5000  kg


                        Type of Event                                     Catastrophic rupture

                        Phase                                                                    Liquid


                        Release Type                                               Instantaneous

                        Building Wake Option                                                 None


                        [Elevation                                                                    1  m]

                        Dispersion Concentration of Interest                              300  ppm

                        Averaging time associated with Concentration                IDLH

                        ERPG selection                                            ERPG is not set

                        IDLH selection                                                  IDLH is set

                        STEL selection                                            STEL is not set

                        User Defined Averaging    User defined averaging time supplied

                        User-Defined Average Time                                        18.75  s


                        Status of Bund                                              Bund present

                        Area of Dike                                                             15.3  m2

                        [Type of Bund Surface                                        Concrete]

                        Bund Height                                                               0.5  m

                        [Bund Failure Modeling                               Bund cannot fail]


                        Building Height                                                            5.5  m

                        Building Length                                                           7.5  m

                        Building Width                                                             2.6  m

                        Type of Ventilation                                  Natural ventilation

                        Droplet state                                        No droplets trapped


                        Method to use for explosions                                        TNT

                        Jet Fire Method                                                        Shell


                        Ignition Location                                    No ignition location

                        Inventory of material to Disperse                                 5000  kg

         CASE Name:       Data



                                                        Discharge Data


             User-Defined Quantities

             Material                                                           AMÔNIA 25%

             Temperature                                                              25.00 degC

             Pressure                                                                      2.63 bar

             Inventory                                                              5,000.00 kg

             Scenario                                                Catastrophic rupture

             Calculated Quantities


             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 1

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.03 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         272.32 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.06 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 2

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.03 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         272.32 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.06 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 3

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.03 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         272.32 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.06 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m

             Weather:          Imported Model Folder Eventos Iniciadores\angra3 weathers\Weather 4

                Mass Flow of Air (Vent from Vapor Space Only)                 n/a


                Average Values for Segment Number  1

                Liquid Fraction                                                          0.03 fraction

                FinalTemperature                                                     -2.69 degC

                Final Velocity                                                         272.32 m/s

                Droplet Diameter                                                        0.06 mm

                Continuous Release Data:

                     Mass Flowrate                                                       n/a kg/s

                     Release Duration                                                    n/a s

                     Orifice Velocity                                                      n/a m/s

                     Exit Pressure                                                         n/a bar

                     Exit Temperature                                                    n/a degC

                     Discharge Coefficient                                              n/a

                     Expanded Radius                                                    n/a m



                                                   Consequence Results


                                          Distance to Concentration Results

                                    The height for user defined concentrations is the user defined height 1 m

                                    All toxic results are reported at the toxic effect height 0 m

                                    All flammable results are reported at the cloud centreline height


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   37.2623      67.6614     289.225

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               1374.19     2689.2      2579.37

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               1374.19     2689.2      2579.37

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               1374.19     2689.2      2579.37


             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Averaging Time Heights (m) for above distances

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1               1              1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s               371.232     248.565    194.752

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s               371.232     248.565    194.752

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s               371.232     248.565    194.752


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   337.83

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         3369.04

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         3369.04

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         3369.04


                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   1

             UFL       (250000)                 18.75             s         177.349

             LFL       (160000)                  18.75             s         177.349

             LFL Frac  (160000)                18.75             s         177.349



                                          Distance to Equivalent Toxic Dose

                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

             Concentration(ppm)                                                   Reference Time Distance (m)

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   28.7394      30.2768     50.376


                                    Toxic Calculation Method = Mixture Probit

                                                                           Weather 4

             User Conc (300) 1800            s                   90.6612




                                                                           Weather Conditions

                                                                           Weather 1   Weather 2  Weather 3

             Wind Speed                         m/s               1               2              3

             Pasquill Stability                                        D               D              D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33           0.33          0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85         24.85         24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29             29             29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7            0.7            0.7


                                                                           Weather 4

             Wind Speed                         m/s               4

             Pasquill Stability                                        D

             Surface Roughness Parameter                      0.33

             Atmospheric Temperature       degC              24.85

             Surface Temperature             degC              29

             Relative Humidity                  fraction          0.7